Baker :: Seven Months Old

The blog lives! For monthly updates, at least. I wish I had the time and energy to visit this space a little more regularly but my brain is literal mush by the end of the day and I have nothing profound left to say. I do love that I make it a point to keep up with these monthly snapshots, though, especially for each kiddo's first year.

Our Baker Man is S E V E N months old!

Seventeen pounds. The juiciest thighs. A legit combover. Yup, he's still the best thing ever!

At seven months old, B is wearing 6-9 month clothing and we're about to move up to size 4 diapers. Baker is legitimately rolling over from tummy to back like he's been doing it all along. Seriously, one day it just clicked and he's pushing off with purpose to get off his tummy and onto his back. I feel like you can literally see him getting a little stronger every day. He'll maybe reach a little further or put a little more weight on those arms and while it seemed slow-going over here in terms of development, it's so cool to see him finally "get" it.

Now, if we could just motivate him to go in the other direction and get onto his tummy!

He's finding his voice more and more each day, too. He has the "mmm" and the "buh" sounds and likes to let out some low growls every now and then. I think I want to start incorporating some sign language with him, too, to help with communication later on. Simple words like more, eat, milkplease, play and all done I think will be a good place to start!

Baker is still doing a great job with solids - he's had bananas, sweet potatoes, apples, peas, prunes, green beans and some other random nibbles off our plates here and there. He's not quite reaching for food on his own or bringing it to his mouth but we're trying to have him sit in his highchair during meals and play around with the food on his tray.

He's still nursing but daycare days make it a little harder so frequency has gone down which means he's getting a few more bottles mixed in. He'll nurse first thing in the morning and then late afternoon/early evening and through the night if needed. He's usually waking at least once in the night but we did have one glorious 11.5 hour stretch of sleep last week! I'll take it.

Therapy is going really well, we love seeing our friends every week and learning new things. Health-wise, he continues to impress and we've made it through cold/flu season without any major illness (thank goodness!!!!!). We had a little bit of downtime when it came to doctor appointments last month but it seems they've picked up again.

He had his eyes checked (a little farsightedness, follow up in 6 months), a cardiology check up (cleared until his birthday, yay!!), we fired his hematologist after they poked him 5 times and still failed to find a vein, got a new hematologist who is SO MUCH better, had labs draw to check CBC and his thyroid (all good!), had a consult about getting him circumcised (sorry, dude..) and he goes to back to the ENT on Friday for a hearing check and to possibly discuss ear tubes.

Baker is also in the process of getting fitted for a cranial helmet to help with his head shape. He has a pretty noticeable flat spot on the back of his head so the helmet will hopefully correct it over the course of the next 3-6 months. Helmet hair, don't care am I right?!

He and the girls keep us busy (and exhausted), that's for sure, but it's a fun chaos. I'm excited the weather will be warming up soon and we an emerge from our hole again and spend time outside on a regular basis. Fresh air will do us all some good!

Oh, sweet Bubba. Your sissies l o v e you and one of them is always close by. You don't seem to mind the invasion of personal space, which is good I suppose. You are the chillest kid, happy to just sit back and observe and very go-with-the-flow. We adore you and we're so, so proud of you!

Happy 7 months!

1 comment

  1. Love the updates! He's looking older and I do wish he'd flash that smile of his for you when you have a camera in hand - they are the best! Here's to Spring and sunny outside days!
