Gracyn :: Five Years Old

You guys. I can't deal. MY BABY IS FIVE. I've successfully kept someone alive and well for five whole years. I still don't know what I'm doing half the time but this is something to celebrate! A whole hand. Almost in kindergarten.

She stated the other night that once she's five, she's going to start doing "five year old things" like taking showers and putting herself to bed. Like I said, I CAN'T EVEN.

Wanna know what else I can't even handle? Gracyn's totally amazing sense of style...

Five on.... Tuesday.

Oh, hey, 2018! Halfway through January and I still don't have my life figured out, guys. Yep, I've been trying to publish this post since last Friday. Finally getting my act together now on my lunch break while the girls are at daycare and Baker naps (in his crib!).

But really, I wanted to pop in today just so I could share this picture of Baker...

What a goober.

Baker :: Five Months Old

Happy New Year! We've been hunkering down these first few days of January. We had a quick trip up north to Sioux Falls for New Years (where it was even colder than it was in Kansas City...) and came back in time to dismantle Christmas, organize and clean the house.

We're slowly getting back into a routine after the holidays and in the mix, Mr. Baker turned 5 months old!