Five for Friday

Another Friday, you know the drill!


I may be amused easily but I'm suuuuper excited to try my hand at painting fake pumpkins this weekend. We need some more fall decor around these parts and I was pumped when Benjamin Moore Paints reached out asking if I wanted to sample a few colors from their Sports Colors Collection. The Royals' season may be over but we still like to support the boys in blue around these parts. I'm going to use Royals™ Gold SC-56 and Royals™ Blue SC-55 to create a few festive things we can use around the house during our favorite time of year, even when baseball season comes to an end! Stay tuned for more!


I posted this video on my Instagram last night of Leighton telling a joke. Like, an actual joke! Gracyn has been really into telling knock-knock jokes recently and the other day at lunch, she was telling Leighton what to say and how to say it in the correct order. And much to my surprise, LL actually told the joke back! It was hilarious and I was amazed that she knew what to do and to wait for the appropriate response.


We have a slight fly problem here at the new house. With all the construction going on and us being on the very edge of town, flies basically swarm around our house and in our garage. No lie, my mom killed something like 17 flies one day when she was here. On top of the flies, we also have little gnats that have shown up. It's gross.

What's even more gross - and I can't believe I'm admitting this - is the fact that I forgot I left my glass of wine sitting on the counter while I cooked dinner the other night. I went back after supper to retrieve my glass of 14 Hands and took a big swig only to realize afterwards that IT WAS FULL OF MOTHER EFFING FLIES AND GNATS. I could feel the bugs IN MY MOTHER EFFING MOUTH.

Justin thought I was vomiting into the sink because I spit the wine out so fast. I'm surprised I didn't shatter the wine glass while I hauled ass to the bathroom to dry-heave for the next 15 minutes. It was so, so nasty. I drank bug wine. It still gives me the heebie-jeebies.


This girl looks innocent, jokes and all...

...but she has some serious issues when it comes to attacking her big sister. Gracyn's poor face is all sorts of scratched up because we're still trying to teach Leighton that it's not OK to hit people. Poor G doesn't quite fight back yet (which is a good thing, I'm sure... right?!) so she ends up bruised and battered.

I also felt obligated to explain things to her preschool teacher which was kinda awkward. Any tips for effectively correcting this behavior in a 21-month old!? Or should we all just shield our faces from now on?


I couldn't believe it but I won a pretty sweet giveaway last week! Elizabeth, Desiree and Courtney hosted a birthday giveaway on their blogs at the end of September and I actually won! Woo hoo! I've already treated myself to Starbucks a few times and need to do some serious online shopping with my Target gift card. Aaaaaand, best of all, I'm finally {FINALLY!} going to try Stitch Fix sometime very soon thanks to that portion of the prize. I've had my style profile filled out for quite some time now but have never pulled the trigger. I'm excited to give it a whirl! Thanks again, ladies!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend!



  1. Just a little fiber in your diet.

  2. Yay for winning that birthday giveaway! That was a good one to win! And bahahahaha about your bug wine!!! We have flies and gnats galore, too. It doesn't help that we often leave our back door open to let in the fresh air, but still. For the gnats, poke small holes in the lid of a mason jar and add some cider vinegar (I'm sure wine works too) along with a couple of drops of dish soap. The dish soap makes it so they get stuck and can't get out. It seriously works. I collected about 15 gnats in just a few hours last weekend. Have a great weekend!

  3. NOooooo! Bug wine!!!!! Oh my gosh, I would've been dry heaving too! Fruit flies are about to drive me bonkers lately. I think it all started when I accidentally ordered 7 POUNDS of bananas instead of 7 bananas from Wal-Mart's grocery pickup (whoops). We haven't been able to get rid of those annoying little creeps since! Anyyyyway...Leighton and her jokes...too precious!

  4. You need a little suction cover for your wine glass ... I know where to get them! :) Love L's joke and I know G tells a good one too! Hugs..

  5. I'm so glad you won our giveaway! That was so awesome!!


    I'm super jealous about your Benjamin Moore connection! You know how much I love the Royals AND BM paint!

  6. Make a small paper funnel. Get a small glass or jar, the smaller the better. Put some wine in it and a drop of dishwashing soap. Put the funnel in it so it goes to right above the wine. The gnats will fly inand ownt be able to come out. I put it by my sink and change the wine out every other day. The gnats will be gone in no time.

  7. Make a small paper funnel. Get a small glass or jar, the smaller the better. Put some wine in it and a drop of dishwashing soap. Put the funnel in it so it goes to right above the wine. The gnats will fly inand ownt be able to come out. I put it by my sink and change the wine out every other day. The gnats will be gone in no time.
