Photo Every Hour :: Wednesday

7 AM | coffee in silence...
8 AM | early morning death glares...
9 AM | breakfast of champions.
10 AM | second breakfast of champions {more cereal}
11 AM | 23 months apart, same size. #yikes
12 PM | WAHM perk - a quick jaunt to the pool...
1 PM | and then I ate chocolate...
2 PM | early afternoon death glares...
3 PM | practicing letters...
4 PM | baby found chalk... #notgood
5 PM | dinner prep
6 PM | trying to salvage the yard... #holdme
7 PM | storybook central
10 PM | hours eight and nine involved trying to get kids to bed. so, yeah. i'm eating ice cream...


  1. Ice cream ... soothes the soul... especially when strong-willed girls are involved. <3

  2. This is so fun, that ice cream looks delicious and totally deserved!
